Even if these people look like they are in the shape of their lives you have to ask yourself do they really lead a happy healthy life? My personal method of fitness is to get out and get active, move around and try to stay away from the heavy lifting as much as possible. The problem with gaining pound on pound of muscle and spending hours bench pressing is that you are only working on one of the areas of your personal fitness. Fitness can be divided into three categories strength, endurance, and speed. From their you can divide that into all sorts of subcategories but if you are spending most of your time curling dumbbells you are only working on your strength. In order to achieve you own personal fitness goal you need to be outside running, biking, spending time on the elliptical, or even playing sports like soccer that get you to move around. Strength training is great but when it is the only thing that you are doing it can become detrimental to your fitness goals.